Cargoruqsat in numbers


Cargoruqsat in numbers

Relevant on: 17.01.2025 17:02
Registered users

83 622

790 Over the past 7 days

All reservations

1 278 356

86 605 Over the past month

Users with passes

4 853

4 853 Over the past month

Data on passes

Paid for admission to the budget: 0 tenge
Paid for admission to the budget: 0 tenge
Paid for admission to the budget: 4 928 247 740 tenge
Paid for admission to the budget: 790 189 968 tenge

Post -loading posts

17 Jan
16 Feb
Baqty - Pokitu
Dostyk - Alashankou
Kalzhat - Dulats
Maıqapshagaı - Zimunai
Nur Joly - Khorgos
Atameken - Gulistan
B. Konysbaev - Yallama
Kazygurt - Maiskii
Kaplanbek - Navoi
Tazhen - Karakalpakstan
Temir-Baba - Karabugaz
Akbalshyk - Voskresenskoe
Aksai - Ilek
Alimbet - Orsk
Amangeldy - Nevolnoye
Auyl - Veseloyarsk
Ayat - Nikolaevka
Baytanat - Topol'noye
Bidaik - Odesskoe
Jaisan - Sagarchin
Jana Jol - Petukhovo
Janybek - Vishnevka
Jezkent - Gorniak
Jelkuar - Mariinsky
Kayrak - Bugristoe
Karakoga - Isilkul
Karashatau - Svetlyi
Kondybay - Komsomol
Kosak - Pavlovka
Koyanbay - Malinovoe Ozero
Kurmangazy - Karauzek
Kyzyl Jar - Kazanskoe
Naiza - Pavlovka (Slavgorod)
Orda - Polynnyi
Syrym - Mashtakovo
Taskala - Ozinki
Ubagan - Zverinogolovskoe
Ube - Mikhailovka
Urlutobe - Olkhovka
Shagan - Teploie
Sharbakty - Kulunda

The number of registered drivers


Over the past 7 days:502

The number of registered vehicles of the vehicle


Over the past 7 days:430

The number of registered vehicles


Over the past 7 days:1549

The number of registered trailers


Over the past 7 days:966
